5 Reasons to Set Goals as a Stay-at-Home Mom

I don’t know about you, but I dreamed of being a stay-at-home Mom from childhood. My Mom always stayed at home with us and I thought that I’d like to follow in those shoes. That dream has come true and I’m truly thankful for a husband who has supported me in this. Once I became a Mom, I learned that it wasn’t as easy as my Mom made it look. There was even a time when I really wanted to go back to work. Today, I’m thankful that I didn’t get the job when I went to the interview.

So I started setting some goals a few years ago.

I have realized that I don’t like living life without some intention.

Do I always reach all of my goals? No, but that’s okay.

The idea is to make goals that will be attainable, not pie-in-the-sky goals that I’d never have the opportunity to reach.

5 Reasons to Set Goals Even as a Stay-at-home Mom:

1. Being a Homemaker and Stay-at-home Mom is your job right now.

Since being at home is the only job you formally hold, I suggest you choose to treat it as a job. It doesn’t matter that you don’t get paid anything, it is still your job. If you don’t plan for each day, you aren’t really treating it as the job it actually is.

2. Goals help you accomplish something each day.

Having a plan of action and something you’re working towards helps to actually get something down each day. It can also give you a sense of purpose.

3. It is important to want to learn and grow.

I set goals because I want to be able to learn something each day, each week, each month, each year. It is rewarding to be able to look back on your life at the end of each year and see that you are not the same person that you were at the beginning of that year.

4. It’s rewarding to live our lives with intention and purpose.

Whether you’d like to have more time for your favorite hobby or spend more one on one time with your kids, goals help you accomplish the things you’d like. Instead of saying, someday I’ll do what I want to do, you get to say “when can I do this thing?”

5. So that you can be the best you that you can be.

God has put all of us on this earth for a special purpose. It isn’t just to occupy space. We all have something to offer the world around us. Some of you can cook amazing meals. Others can paint, hand letter, take photos, or crochet. Still, others can bake. Some of you are great at organizing things. Others are great at writing.

So tell me, do you make goals?

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