*I’m so excited to welcome my husband, Bernd, back to the blog. He has written for me a few other times and I’m always truly inspired about what he writes. I believe you will be too.
I’m writing this a while after a tragic car accident that occurred near us. It all happened in just five minutes.
Sadly, three people lost their lives that day.
A family that was complete, now torn apart.
A loving wife, now without her husband.
A caring mother, now without two of her children. The whole incident happened within a span of five minutes but has left peoples’ lives changed forever.
What can happen in just five minutes?
5 minutes really seems like an insignificant amount of time.
Or is it more significant than we may realize?
As I write this, I have lived close to 4,614,336- 5-minute segments.
As I reflect on my life though, I have begun to notice that the most significant moments in my life happened within 5 minutes.
Let me explain.
I remember going to a youth retreat with a high school friend of mine. I don’t remember the message, but I do remember accepting Jesus that first night. Someone led me through the sinner’s prayer – within the span of five minutes.
I clearly remember the evening that I proposed to the woman that I would later marry. While some amount of planning took place (and enlisting the help of friends), my proposal of marriage happened within five minutes. And while our wedding took, even more, preparation, I said my lifelong wedding vows to my beautiful wife within five minutes as well.
Finally, I watched my sister lose her battle against cancer. I had the opportunity to have one last conversation with her. In length, it was only about five minutes.
What can happen in just five minutes?
You see, it only takes five minutes to create a lasting impact on those we come in contact with.
Five minutes, to hold our spouse in our arms and whisper a word of encouragement in their ear.
Five minutes to lovingly guide a child in the way he should go.
Five minutes to whisper a prayer for a lost loved one, asking God to draw them nearer to Him.
Five Minutes to not rush through the lines at the local store, but to take a moment to smile at someone and ask them about their day.
Five minutes. Only five minutes.
What can happen in just five minutes?
What are you going to do with one of your five minutes?
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